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Astrology Lesson 2

Magical, wonderful stars in the sky and incredible life (the theory and types of astrology) 


The astrology came from the principle of “what the heaven is, what the world of mortals is” which was found when people obscured the astronomical phenomena. What the signs appear in the sky, the same things will be happened in the world of mortals. It can be regarded as the accumulation of experiences and rules. The ancient people thought it was the law and energy of the universe. The plot in the world of mortal is created with the law of universe.


The ancestors worshiped the power of the planets very much. They found that when the planet Mars went to certain position, the wars would be easy to occur. In the time of full moon, human’s emotion was easy to be excited. Even the morning and evening tides will be changed regularly by following the motions of planets. In the beginning, they found that all things in nature was influenced by the planets in the sky. Later, they reduced their focus and found that the tiny universe in human body could map to the whole universe. The personal astrology was then grew vigorously.


Jung’s Synchronicity


When a course regarding to the fate aroused, some people might ask “ why so?”  Therefore, from the ancient time to the modern phase, many philosophers, scientist might be curious why the astrologists can provide many resolutions precisely to some problem. In which, the most famous one is the Jung’s Synchronicity.


The principle of synchronicity means a close relation and meaning happened between two events which do not have any causal relationship. For example, when the Mars, Pluto and Jupiter overlap in a horizontal line, big fire might appear in some places. Such disasters must include death. The planets do not promote to create fire (Mars does not fire or attack the Earth). Yet these two events happen at the same time coincidentally. This is astrology. It looks like that the fate and the planets in the sky move separately. Yet there is some relation with coincident meanings between them. These two occur events relationally and synchronically.


The principle of Jung’s synchronicity was produced for checking the accuracy of the astrology originally. He used the star astrolabe of 180 pairs of couples divided into three groups and made comparisons. He found that the “sun and moon”, “moon and moon”, and “moon and the rising dot” that discussed by ancient astrologists were suitable to get married. In the astrolabe of each group, the positive relevance appeared highly indeed. Though such experiment had some defects found later for it could not verify the accuracy of the astrology, yet it was enough to prove his principle of synchronicity.


The relation between big and small universe


In fact, the planets can shoot energy and possess gravitation. There is no doubt in it. The problem whether such energy might affect to human bodies or not is main thing worthy to be discussed.


There is no doubt in the influences due to the gravitation of planet. For examples, the tides, seaquakes and earthquakes, except relation to the inner change of the Earth, they also relate to the gravitation of the planets. Long time ago, scientists found that the sunspots and the spray of the melt in the sun will affect the electromagnetic wave in the Earth. Though people cannot see it, yet it still exists.


The human body is an accurate instrument. In addition to accept the messages with consciousness, it can accept data with unconsciousness or subconsciousness and then influence human life.


Take one thing for example, a teacher teaches on a platform and the students sit in on the class. When we look at such things, the only relation between them is the speech of teacher and the listening of the students. Yet the speech and listening are the ways that we use to run the energy with consciousness. We can say that both they do not have any relations, for the teacher does not face to the students in certain direction and the students do not listen in certain aspects. But both them exist simultaneously and showing the correlation between them.


The subconscious is the same. Though the teacher likes or hates some students just in his/her mind, yet in his/her subconscious; he/she might transmit such messages to the subconscious of students. And the students would receive such messages but not conscious of such situation with his consciousness. Yet the students have worked out such mechanism already. Therefore, the relation between the students and the teacher will appear good or bad changes. Sometimes, you like or dislike somebody is just due to the effect of subconscious. This is a secret communication of energy.


The planet does the same thing to the human bodies. The subconscious and unconsciousness accept the messages from the stars and develop one regular mode. It just likes that you will inherit your parents behaviors, the planets will perform a traction to you with consciousness. The astrology is produced in this way. Through the knowledge of the stars, people can know your personality very clearly.


The types of the astrology


There are several types in astrology, such as Egyptian astrology, Chinese astrology, India astrology, ancient Babylon astrology, universal astrology, Maya astrology or Hamburg school and so on. Here we want to discuss is to categorize the types of astrology with their functions


Earthen Astrology

The earthen astrology uses the 12 constellations of the sun as the basic discussion and judgment. It is a general summary similar to the fortune-telling with Twelve Branches that Chinese use. It uses a simple way to help you to know how the fate influences you. Such thing rose from the 17th century. With the growth of the printing, it shaped a study of astrology or entertainment with relative influences. We use “entertainment” to describe this is because it does not have the effect of judging fate, but at most it just becomes an issue in leisure time or a reference of common behavior.


Now the earthen astrology is found to be not sufficient. In the year of rapid growth of information and mind, such classification with 12 constellations surely does not have the effect of numerology. Therefore, recently, many people started to discuss the effect of the moon constellation, Venus constellation, Mars constellation to human body. In fact, it is just a deformed shape of earthen astrology. Without the basic concepts of phases, it still cannot have the effect of judging human’s fate.


Personal Astrology


After the earthen astrology cannot satisfy the requirement of the public, the personal astrology is emphasized gradually. Such accurate astrolabe by using personal birthday and location can have the effect of discussion and judgment. In this type of astrology, the influences of the phases among the planets (the interactive gravitation) and the effect of the location of the planets to human bodies are included. Such study of the astrology can propose professional and specific suggestion and issue to a single person.


It is not difficult to learn the personal astrology. For it can do big favor to people, if people can spend some time to understand it as if learning mathematics, and use logical and philosophical ways to judge or estimate personal fates, they can get great aid. It possesses the effect of toward good and far away bad. And it can help you to go right road for your life.


Divine Astrology and Others


Except the earthen and personal astrology, there is another type of astrology named “Divine Astrology”. It uses the time of the question that asker inquires to make an astrolabe, then makes a judgment to the question. “Day Selecting Astrology” is to choose a good date for the marriage or shop opening. “Psychology Astrology” combines the psychology and astrology to make a study and judgment. “Events Astrology” uses the national events or natural changes as the materials to study and resolve the problems.


Actually, there are many types of astrology in the world. If we want to divide them in detailed, there must be hundreds of types that we can find. Yet, the most important is that all the studies reveal one thing. That is, the effect of the planets in the sky to human bodies exists really. Even if it does not influence directly, both them have the relation of synchronicity. Therefore, behind such learning, there must be a great energy manipulate all the things and this is worthy for us to study in scientific and reasonable mind. Use astrology to know yourself and follow the way of the universe to make a good life. Is this not a thing that we can do?

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