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Planet mythology - Mars

In astrology, Mars is always regarded as a planet of war, disaster and sudden happening. In mythology, Mars is mapped to the Ares of Greek. The “Mars” in the time of Rome was the word “Mars” in English. The funny thing is that the evaluation of these dynasties to Mars is different. Maybe Mars always helped Rome to win the victory but let Greek fail.


Ares was one of the twelve main gods of war. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. The Greek did not like him so they described him as a god who liked to kill, fight and slaughter. And he failed in every fight. Yet to the age of Rome, his value was reversed. He was given the same energy as Mars. Later, Rome named him as Mars directly. He became a handsome and brave god of battle. In addition, a square of Mars was built by Rome and used for a troop training.


The Rome worshipped Ares. Probably in the legend, Ares had a secret communication with a female flamen and have a child named Romulus who was the ancestor of Rome. Offering sacrifice to the ancestor, Ares, surely brought victory for Rome. Later, Ares was placed by the name of god of army and god of battle, and became the representative of all-conquering.

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