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Constellation Myth - Virgo

The Virgo had relation to the goddess of agriculture, Demeter.


Because her daughter was captured by Hades, the goddess of agriculture made the earth withered. Later, gods asked Zeus to discuss with Hades and let her daughter return to her, the earth started to recover vitality again. The journey to and fro of the hell of her daughter became the origin of seasons on the earth.


Someone said that the symbol of the constellation was the tassel of sweet corn or the ear of the rice. Because the sun passes through the Virgo in zodiac from Aug.21 to Sep. 21, that was the time of summer heat and white dew and the crops must be reaped. Otherwise, when the Autumnal Equinox comes, the frost and cold dew will follow hard at heel which would make the crops be damaged. Therefore, the ear of the rice chosen as a symbol and the fable of the daughter of goddess of agriculture are used to indicate the hardworking and the necessity of success. The meaning of the constellation in Astrology is “pragmatic worker”. In addition, the tassel of sweet corn and the ear of the rice represented things of miner details. It also has the meaning of miscellaneous pieces.


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