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Constellation Myth - Sagittarius

The story of Sagittarius had relations with the Greek wise man, Chiron.


It is said that the noble centaur, Chiron was a good hunter and served the great scholar of that time. He learned various skills and knowledge, especially he was good at medicine and prediction. Later, he taught people with his knowledge and got respect from them. In one of the battles, his thigh was poisoned by an arrow and unfortunately he died finally. So, the omnipotent god Zeus who deeply regretted his death made him becoming one of the constellation in the sky.


In astrology, the significance of this story is applying the meaning of temperament and learning extensively and reach certain accomplishment. In general, this is a constellation of education and learning. Because Chiron was the satellite of Jupiter, in the ancient astrology, he occupied a specific position (a star of dominating medicine and education). Therefore, prediction is the symbol of this constellation. People of Sagittarius have good abilities in prediction (based on rich knowledge and good at the inference of philosophy). In addition, Chiron was a hunter, so he left the character of being master of both pen and sword to people.  Centaur was the combination of human being and horse. It means that though Chiron had human nature, yet he still was unable to get rid of the animal’s nature. So people were feared of restraint and had the trend of returning to the nature. That’s why they advocate freedom. And sometimes they will have unreasonable behaviors. Besides, the immortal centaur, died for the hurt of foot, which means the crucial point of centaur was in the thigh.

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