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Star myths - twelve constellations system

Actually, the constellations surrounding the zodiac are not twelve merely. Some astrologists thought the total number should be thirteen, fourteen, even sixteen. So the theory of and Ophiuchus was proposed. In fact, this is not necessary. Because in the beginning, people found the regularity of the universe, then they arranged the twelve constellations with meanings in the zodiac. And an average, regular and looped system was shaped. The twelve constellations are complete and mysterious theories matching to the four elements and three features (standard, fixed and variable). More than one or less than one will make the theory to be odd and lose the balance and meanings.


The myth system of the twelve constellations was not written specifically. The Greek divided the stars in the sky into eighty-eight constellations romantically. Some of the stories are big; and some of them are small. Some of the myths are deep and some of the stories are rough. The twelve constellations are not accentuated specially. We can say that in the beginning of the myths for constellation are used for offering service for astrology. So, when we study the astrology and mythology, we can use extensive attitude to learn and do not dispute over every detail. For example, in the myth of twelve constellations, the Cancer and the Leo were the soul defeated by Hercules. Because they helped Hera to do something, so they were enhanced to the stars in the sky. With such stories, we surely cannot comprehend how can we apply them into the characteristics of the constellations. Yet, after studied deeply, we can understand that the Cancer means a person with the feature of loyalty, caring his master and guarding his home. And the Cancer possesses strong appearance and tender mind. The Leo possesses the character of king and is deep respected and venerated by people. Not a real stronger (such as Hercules) is unable to convince the person of Leo easily.


For the relational myths of the constellations, please refer to the series of Constellation Myth.

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