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Ancient name for the planet Jupiter, Tai Sui

The nine planets in Solar System revolve with the center of the Sun. From the nearest to the farthest of the Sun, the planets are Mercury; Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranu, Neptune and Pluto. In which, Jupiter (the Tai Sui star named in ancient time) is the biggest planet in Solar System. So, its effect on the Earth cannot be ignored. The diameter is more than 140 thousands kilometers and about 14 times of the Earth. Its mass is about 318 times of the Earth. The Jupiter revolves itself on its own axis is about 9 o’clock and 55 minutes. One revolution of the Jupiter around the sun takes 12 years.


The Jupiter revolves the sun in counterclockwise. The ancient people used the contrary location of the Jupiter (clockwise) as the direction of Tai Sui. The opposite side of Tai Sui is named Sui Po. The location of Sui Po is worse than Tai Sui. While in the location of Tai Sui, breaking ground is forbidden for it would cause death. Each year, the direction that Jupiter faces will cause misery if taking house apart, breaking ground, cutting down trees, decoration and damages occur. Therefore people fear Tai Sui and Sui Po. In fact, in ancient time, only residence feared Tai Sui, and it was not necessary for human being to fear about Tai Sui.


Below shows the direction of the Tai Sui for every year:

In 2005 the year of animal sign of Rooster, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “You” (255 degree to 285 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2006 the year of animal sign of Dog, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Xu” (285 degree to 315 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2007 the year of animal sign of Pig, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Hai” (315 degree to 345 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2008 the year of animal sign of Rat, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Zi” (345 degree to 15 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2009 the year of animal sign of Ox, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Chou” (15 degree to 45 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2010 the year of animal sign of Tiger, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Yin” (45 degree to 75 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2011 the year of animal sign of Rabbit, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Mao” (75 degree to 105 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2012 the year of animal sign of Dragon, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Chen” (105 degree to 135 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2013 the year of animal sign of Snake, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Si” (135 degree to 165 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2014 the year of animal sign of Horse, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Wu” (165 degree to 195 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2015 the year of animal sign of Goat, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Wei” (195 degree to 225 degree). Do not break ground.

In 2016 the year of animal sign of Monkey, the direction of the Tai Sui star is in the location of “Shen” (225 degree to 255 degree). Do not break ground.



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