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The Guide for choosing card for the beginner

Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


The Guide for choosing card for the beginner


There are various editions for the Tarot. How can you choose the proper one is the most troublesome problem for the beginner. Below shows some suggestions for your reference:

1. Choose the popular cards: in the process of learning Tarot, it can yield twice the result with half the effort to find the one who likes to study the cards with you together. The most important things for the Tarot are figures. The figures are different, the explanation might be different too. Therefore different editions of the cards will have various explanations.

2. Choose the cards designed by Tarot master: the design of the Tarot is delicate. Any pattern, color and layout have their symbolizing meaning. We can find the signatures of the painters on good Tarot cards with high quality. It means that the painter is responsible for his work.

3. Choose the cards without background knowledge: after all, the Tarot is the product of Western world. Some of them can only be used with the knowledge of western mysticism or mythology. Before you build up your background knowledge, do not use such cards otherwise you will feel frustration.

4. Choose the cards with concrete patterns: before Waite’s edition appearing, the patterns on the minor cards are similar to poker and without any concrete patterns. Waite designed the minor cards with specific styles. And there are people interactive in the cards and that can help people to associate with other things. So, the Waite’s cards were popular at that time. Indeed, comparing with porker patterns of the cards, minor cards with concrete patterns will make people easily to memory and encourage intuition. To beginner, this would be very helpful.

5. Choose the cards that you love: this is very important. The Tarot emphasizes on intuition. Using the cards which can spring up your aspiration will make you to be strong with might redoubled

6. Choose the cards with good quality: the quality of the importing cards usually is better than internal cards. Different editions of cards will have different arrangements. After buying new cards, please check the order. In addition, cards with good quality can endure for a long time.

Above suggestions are provided for the beginner to choose a good pack of cards. After you have relative experiences in Tarot cards, you would have the ability to learn other editions.

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