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The practice and function of the Tarot Diary

Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


The practice and function of the Tarot Diary


The beginner must prepare a diary for Tarot. Record the things everyday for doing personal Tarot diary. It can be used as your assistant tool.


Re-arrange the cards before you sleep every night and put them to the place that you can touch soon in the morning. Next morning, after you awakening, select a card immediately. See the card and memorize it in your mind. Keep high alertness. Watch out the people, things and objects relating to that card. Record the corresponding things when you return home.

There is another way to make Tarot diary. Mary K. Greer, the American Tarot master, in her book of “Tarot for Your Self” taught her readers to use body, spirit, mind card to do the diary. You cannot know the meaning of that card. Observe the card after draw the card and write down your feeling. However, the beginner might feel laborious if he uses such spread. So it is suggested for advancer to use such way.

Why should I make the Tarot diary?

1. The beginner must feel strange on the meanings and the figures of Tarot. Making Tarot diary can help beginner to consider the relation between him/her and the card. The beginner observes the patterns of the card and learns the meaning of the cards and takes Tarot cards into his/her life.

2. To find out the mapping of the card, you will keep high alertness and be sensitive to surrounding people, things and objects.

3. After doing the diary for a long time, you can clear to see your life style from your diary. And you can find the probability of selecting certain cards is higher than others. Some of cards are not easy to be chosen for you, and some of them are easy to be chosen. All of these can reveal your life style.

4. The seventy-eight cards compress and collect the all things on earth. So no mater what person, thing and object is, it is easy to find one card to make a matching. In fact, except the function of divination, there are so many layers of the Tarot appearances for people to dig and find out. The practice of writing down the dairy of Tarot can make you understanding the richness and interests of Tarot completely. And it can expand the database of the meaning for the Tarot card for you.

So the Tarot not only can help people to learn, but also it can help people to train the spirits. It also is a game of growth. It is a thing of personalization. If you don’t like the way of diary, you can stop it at any time.


1. The diary of Tarot can react the life for one day. Yet it does not have the function of prediction. Please open your mind and experience the message and surprise that the Tarot brings to you.

 2. The diary is not for divining the fate.

The meaning of the cards expressed on the diary do not absolutely the same with the meaning of divination. There is no right or wrong on the diary. Only you can know what the things that the cards want to show you.

At beginning, it is normal for you not to meet the condition that you cannot understand. It might be you are not familiar with the cards, or you did not remember things in that day. All of these are not serious. You just record the card and the things you remember in that day. And after few days, you will find its real meaning. Do not feel any pressure in your mind when you write down the dairy.

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