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Five routes to explain the cards

Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


Five routes to explain the cards


The first step is to build the basis of deep science. In the beginning, it seems that the ones with skills are stronger. Yet, they cannot make progress due to superficial basis later. When you learn for the basis, you must feel powerless in the initial stage. Yet those data will be the nutriment for you to explain the cards. What you learn more, what you get more. And when your basis is plentiful, with the exercises of routes of explanation, you must succeed naturally. You have do your best to read book, to think everything and to explain the cards. It is necessary for a master of Tarot.

The second step is to increase the route of explanation. There are five routes for you to learn, they are “soul vision”, “wiser”, “observer”, “fool”, and “alchemist”. They have artful mappings to the major Arcana in Tarot.
(1) The five routes stand for five treatments or five angles/ways to learn things. They are seeing the image, examine the tiniest things, combining the joints, praising the shortcoming and changing the complex into simple respectively.

Let’s talk about the soul vision. The way we can use is “seeing the images’. Such process is just like to wave certain screen. Through the jumping and touching of the pictures on the cards, some switch will be open and the screens will be waved according to the meaning of the card. To soul vision, Tarot is just like a crystal ball which is the tool or media for him/her to watch something. Yet there is one defeat that the screens he/she saw are sectional and scattered. So the way must combine with other routes to avoid such sectional screens.

(2) There are two key points for the observer. The first is to observe details; the second is to keep the mood of curiosity. We have to open our minds to face up to the Tarot cards and the querent. Observe the details on the figures on the card and the condition of the querent. Read all the messages at that time and space, match the messages with the meaning of the cards and then make your decisions. If you pay attention to this process, we will catch the point and access into the mind of the querent deeply while in divining. The observer always has the patience and will not hurry to make a conclusion. He/she will keep a certain distance and observe all the details with interests.

(3)The third route is the “wiser’.
The wiser like to find a common rule in a complicated event. There are some directions that the wiser likes to study: a common point (feature, condition), a common thread (trend, track),and a structure (whole consideration). The thing that attracts the wiser is the common phase of the objects. They like to discard the differences and keep the similarities and find out a simple principle. In the explanation of the cards, the route of wiser is suitable for explaining spreads. The wiser will observe the direction and position of a spread, and then he/she will think the meaning that spread expressed. Then the wiser will make an integration and generalization for the common parts and structure. Finally, a reasonable answer will be found. Yet it has a defect. That is, the wiser will be too arbitrary and rough for he/she emphasizes the similarity and even simplifies.

(4)The fourth route is the “Fool”.
This route is not easy to handle. The fool possesses one character. He likes to act in a diametrically opposite way. The ways he/she chooses are always not suitable but feasible. Someone might think it is a fool, but people will know the fool is right in a few days. While in explaining the cards, if you can use the route of Fool, you can get a notice (a reminding of the way of solving problems) from a bad card or get a suggestion (a reminding of an abuse that we might meet) from a good card.

(5) The fifth route is the “alchemist”.
This route emphasizes on the merging of the things and objects and creating new things. The way of “alchemist” is putting and seeing all the cards at the same time. You have to consider what new meaning of the combination is.

By the experiences, you will understand the meanings of different combinations of the cards. We can practice starting from the combination of two cards, then gradually use the combination of three cards and them of all the cards. Usually, when you want to use the route of alchemist, you must be familiar with the meanings of the cards and have the basis of science. Then put all of the information into your furnace and merge them without prejudice. Maybe you will get amazing inspiration.

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