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Week/Month/Year calendar spreads

http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw/Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


Week/Month/Year calendar spreads


For processing the time, the systems of Tarot decks are so many. Till now, there is still no formal formula defined. Though the way of Week/Month/Year calendar spreads is rough, sometimes it cannot find a definite answer, yet it is the simplest and most direct method.

For the question beginning with when, we can select the unit of the time according to the request. If the answer can be gotten within one week, you can use week calendar and draw out seven decks that represent today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow orderly to the seventh day. Find out which one is the possible one. If the question can be solved with one month, the please draw out 30 (or 31) decks and arrange them with the shape of monthly calendar. The rule of almanac uses a month as the unit. Draw out 12 decks. It suits for processing long-tern problems.

Surely, these methods might face problem in practical use. For example, somebody may ask when can I go out for a trip? And the result that the one gets is The Fool, Wands 8 and Swords 6 at the same time. These three decks contain the meaning of traveling. Which day is the right day? It's a problem.

This spreads can be used as the prediction of the fate in week/month/year. The accuracy is stronger than the constellation divination in newspapers.



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