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Introduction of Tarot

The introduction of Tarot


There are seventy-eight cards in Tarot, 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. In the minor cards, they are divided into Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles suits. Each suit, we can find one Ace, 9 cards with numbers and four court cards of king, queen, knight and page.

The Tarot used the symbolizing figures with astrology, cabala numbers, chromatology to solve the problem. In using the Tarot, you must have precise question, and then you can proceed to divine. It is a good tool to guide human life. People can obtain wisdom of life and use different angles to observe the world. In addition, Tarot can be used as a tool of meditation and magic, also it can be collected as an artistic production.

The word of Tarot is from the Europe in 14th century. At that time, one type of paper cards named Tarocci appeared in Italy. After spreading and changing, in 15th middle century, its shape was established firmly by Catholicism monks and used till now. The word of Tarocci, after accessing to France, was transformed into the word “Tarot”. The standard Tarot has fixed shapes. The Major cards belonged to spirit, abstract cards and occupied central positions. The 56 minor cards stand for physical events or condition and divided into wand, cup, sword and pentacle. They represent fire, earth, air and water respectively.

The theory of Tarot is a distant source and a long stream. It has close relation with the western mysticism, e.gl, the mysticism of Gnosticism, the numberlogy of Judaism and the astrology. All of these form the patterns in Tarot. Various figures on Tarot cards are good media to lead aspiration and initiation. So, many scholars thought Tarot was a superior of initiation transmitter. Though Tarot possesses so rich intension, it is still a good tool. It doesn’t have any power of mystery. Why is it so accurate? We can get the answer from the theory of Jung’s Synchronicity. Everything in the world exists in the collective unconscious. The 22 major cards in Tarot are the pictures of archetypes of collective unconscious.


Traditionally, the main function of the Tarot is to divine. It can be used to analyze the psychology, situation and predict the future. It can help the quarante to make proper determination.


In general, the function of divination is the most important function of Tarot. Tarot can use various spreads of card to solve the problems with different characters and conditions. The spreads are many, even the divinator can create different spread after understanding the theory of the spreads.


Finally, the beginner of Tarot can learn it easily at the beginning and they can reach a certain accuracy in a short time. Create correct and healthy concept at the beginning of learning, the ability of explaining Tarot will be increased and promoted gradually. It can help us to explore personal life, personal meaning and guide us.

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