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The introduction of the explaining skills of Tarot

The introduction of the explaining skills of Tarot

Copied from http://www.taconet.com/LGL

Author: teacher, Chin-Fong


When we work hard to study Tarot, we will find the intension of Tarot is wide and deep. The meaning of Tarot also is very delicate. Just using simple keyword to explain it is not enough. In the process of learning the meaning of the cards, choose proper keyword is very effective way to memorize. It can inspire our association and call the comprehension and memory of the cards. Yet if we use the keyword excessively, they also might limit and constrain our imagination and consideration. To the vivid Tarot, it could be a shackle. You have to pay attention to it.


When using the real Tarot to divine, usually the beginner of Tarot thinks over just to find out the possible meaning of the cards. Such condition is happened due to the divinatory relying on the intuition excessively. They use the way of learning meaning of card without efficiency and they lack the training of system explanation for the card. With the basis of abundant meanings, they will not be unable to cope with a situation while explaining the cards. In the contrary, possessing plenty of Tarot knowledge might not know how to choose a proper one to be used. At the time, the systematized skills of explanation can develop its effect.


A systematized skill of explanation must be clear and easy to use. It can be divided into two types; one is deduction and the other is mind. The skill of deduction can be learned easily for the people who understand the meaning of the cards sufficiently. It includes characteristics method, association method, corresponding method and dividing/combing method. Hold the knack of the system and imagine the meaning while in explaining the cards, the good or bad can be seen easily.


All the methods can have good effects on explaining the cards. If you can use them frequently, you can explain them proficiently and the accuracy will be higher, too.





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