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The combination of Tarot cards and the life number

Copied from http://www.taconet.com/LGL

Author: teacher, Chin-Fong


Tarot card is a common tool which is used to divine in western world. It is good at offering suggestions to certain people, things and objects. And it is not suitable for predicting or planning the whole life.


The divinators in Europe and America always learn the astrology and life number technology to offer proper assist to their customers for making a comprehensive survey. This is formal and professional way. Yet the shortcoming is minute and complicated. For the professionals with high skills have the ability and interests to learn such knowledge, yet to common learners, such methods will consume too much energys and minds. Therefore, with such requirements, a way of combining the life number technology to predict the life trend and current year fate is created in the field of Tarot.


The Tarot master Angeles Arrien described how can we join the life number and the Tarot card completely in his famous book of “The Tarot Handbook” to estimate the life characteristics and current year condition for specific person.


First, we have to arrange the year, month and date for the querent’s birthday. Then we can use the way of life number to add them to get one or more key numbers. From the key numbers we can map the number to the Major Arcana in Tarot as the characteristics for the querent. For example, little Ke was born in 1946/8/19. So the number will be 2 - “1946+8+19=1973, 1+9+7+3=20, 2+0=2”. The personality number for little Ke is 20 and the personality symbol for number 20 is Judgement. This means the talent, ability and resources shown externally by the querent. The judge and appeal that Judgement possess will be shown on the external expression of the querent. Then add 20 will get the number of 2 (2+0=2). It is the soul number of little Ke and the representing card is High Priestess. It can reveal the inner self-concept of the querent.


Next, as to the prediction of the current year, we just change the year of the birthday of the querent into current year and add the number with the birthday month and date. Then we can get a number and find out the representing card for current year. Such card is named “growth symbol for current year”. The range for the current year is from the birthday of that year to the birthday of next year. Therefore, the growth symbol for little Ke from 1995/8/19 to 1996/8/18 should be 6 (1995+8+19=20222+0+2+2=6). It also means the Lovers card (of number 6). The card of current year shows the querent’s growth, turning points and the challenges that he/she must face up to. The appearance of the Lovers stands for the charming of that man/woman at that year.


With such simple measurement, we can easily use Tarot to combine the life number for exploring the nature of life. And we can make proper reaction fro future life and make the life more rich and bright.

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