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A tyrant of yearning for a pretty goddess

This story happened about four thousands years ago. According to the legend, the last emperor in Yin Dynasty, Chou-Wang was a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler.

One day, on the way of returning home after finished the hunting, Chou-Wang got into a temple due to a sudden rain. When he saw the wooden idol of Jiu-Tian-Suan-Nv, this libidinous and ferocious king was shocked with the beauty and lost his reason. He got an idea against the natural law.

“Bring her back to be my concubine”.

Chou-Wang gave an order to his guards.

Originally, the order of Chou-Wang must be obeyed. Though the idol was a female, yet she was a deity. Chou-Wang could not use his arbitrary way to do such things. So, after persuaded by the guards, he returned palace with anger.

Though the figure of Jiu-Tian-Suan-Nv could not be seen by common people, yet she stayed with the idol from beginning to end. After listening the tyrant’s saying, even if she was a goddess of kindness, yet she could not stand such flippant words. So she swore to heaven to eliminate the dynasty that Chou-Wang ruled. She called a fox spirit and ordered her:

“I ordered you changing into a beautiful woman to flatter Chou-Wang and destroy his throne”.

So, the fox spirit changed and became the most famous concubine in the history, Da-Ji. She did her best to lure Chou-Wang and led the nation to die.

At that time, the deities in the heaven were less. The great emperor in the heaven was troublesome for such matter. After heard of the dispute between Jiu-Tian-Suan-Nv and Chou-Wang, he was pleasantly surprised. He thought if the world is chaos, then there must be many heroes and loyal courtiers died due to the disaster.

So, the emperor in the heaven commanded Venus to guard the Nan-Tian door which was the line of demarcation between the earth and the heaven. If one hero or loyal courtier died, he should arrange for him/her as a deity and place him/her on the star in the sky.

At that time, in the west of Yin, there was a Chou county. The agriculture of Chou county was prosperous. It was a place of culture with high level. Therefore it threatened Yin-Shang at any time. To eliminate the county, Chou-Wang invited Chou-Wen-Wang to the capital with an excuse of discussing political affairs.

According to the legend, the Chou-Wan-Wang was a great astrologist. He knew everything in the world.

The reason that Chou county based on the agriculture and had great power in national power should attribute the success to Wen-Wang. Hence, the existence of Wen-Wang was the bad thing to Chou-Wang. Chou-Wang thought if Wen-Wang was killed, the Chou county will be collapsed by itself.

When Wen-Wang came to the palace, Chou-Wang sent him to prison immediately. That was to say, the life of Wen-Wang would be vanished due to one word of Chou-Wang.

Though Chou-Wang imprisoned Wen-Wang, yet he was also afraid of complaint from vassals. He spread rumors that Wen-Wang violated the law of rebellion.

Wen-Wang had many sons in his country. In which, the eldest son Bo-Yi was the most outstanding. It was said, Bo-Yi was a handsome man that could not be seen in one hundred years. Even if a woman with ruthlessness would become his captive and could not forget if she saw Bo-Yi. Bo-Yi was not only a gentleman, but also he was a wit and played koto very well. Besides, he was a dutiful son. So, when he heard about his father was jailed, he could not keep silence. Yet the pure and simple-minded Bo-Yi just thought his father was misunderstood and sent to the jail. He did not know all of these were the conspiracy of Chou-Wang. Therefore he moved on the capital to explain the innocence of his father. After one month of trip, he went to court to meet Chou-Wang. He declared that his father was innocent with effort and asked Chou-Wang released his father.

Though Chou-Wang falsely incriminated Wen-Wang, yet he could not get any evidence. So he felt quite helpless and promised to discuss after few days. At that night, he let Bo-Yi slept in the palace.

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