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Treasury Star (Tian Fu)

Except the concubine – Da Ji, Chou-Wang had a formal wife. That is the virtuous and intelligent empress Jiang. She was a woman with ability and talent. And she had join forces with Chou-Wang to govern the nation very well. Yet, since Dai-Ji entered into the palace, she lost her authority gradually. Later, she was jealous by Da-Ji and killed for a just cause.


After the empress died, Venus bestowed her on the deity of talent and placed her on Treasury Star (Tian Fu) to control ability and plenty of products. Besides, she was a woman with kindness. Therefore, the star also was a star of commiseration.


In the loyal courtiers of Chou-Wang, there was a famous general named Hwang Fei-Hu. His wife was a pretty woman that not inferior to Da-Ji. To Da-Ji who praises herself as the first beautiful woman in the world, the existence of Hwang’s wife was one thing that she could not stand. So, the madam of Hwang became the victim of tyrant Chou-Wang later.

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