◆  Should I quit my job?        ◆  When will my love partner show up?        ◆  Which years of exceptional good luck in wealth will I have in my life?        ◆  What achievements will I have in my career?        ◆  What kind of rich will I be?        
Power Star (Chi Sha)

Let’s talk about the one who married the beautiful woman – Madam Jia, Hwang Fei-Hu.


When Hwang knew his wife died for she was dangerous to be humiliated by Chou-Wang and then jumped from Chai-Sing Floor, he lamented and resented very much. At last, he revolted and offer his services to Chou army.


He led the army of Chou to fight with the army of Yin and repeatedly performed outstanding service. Yet, he was dead in the Min-Chi county. Venus took his soul to the heaven and placed him in Power Star (Chi Sha) to let him becoming the deity of war.

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