It is used to observe the relation among questioner and his/her brothers, friends, comrades and so on.
If the Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Mercy Star (Tian Ji), Sun (Tai Yang), Lucky Star (Tian Tong), Treasure Star (Tian Fu), Moon (Tai Yin), Minister Star (Tian Xiang) and Blessing Star (Tian Liang) are inside this palace with the score in plus sign, this one can get the help from brothers, friends or comrades.
If the Finance Star (Wu Qu), Wicked Star (Lian Chen), Flirting Star (Tan Lang), Gloomy Star (Ju Men), Power Star (Chi-Sha), and Ruinous Star (Po Jun) are inside this palace with the score in minus sign, then he/she will not get the help from brothers, friends or comrades. |