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Marriage Palace

It is used to observe the type of match for the questioner and observe relations of a couple.


Let’s study the relation between the stars and the marriage palace:

If the Emperor Star (Zi Wei) star is in this palace, the male can marry a dutiful female. And the woman can help him to succeed.


If Mercy Star (Tain Ji) is in this palace, the male will marry a woman younger than him for five years. Though he can get the help from the spouse, yet he still has to worry about the trifles. As to the woman, she will marry a man elder than her for five years. And her husband is clever and smart.


If Sun (Tai Yang) is in this palace, the male must be tyrannized by his wife. Yet the female is very competent. So they still can have a perfect family. The female can marry a man with moral integrity. Though the husband is domineering, yet he will not exceed the limits.


If Finance Star (Wu Qu) is in this palace, the male will marry a female with bad temper. And the female will marry a man with great development. Yet they don’t have good relations.


If Lucky Star (Tian Tong) is in this palace, the male can marry with a smart wife to supplement his shortage. The female can marry with a tender husband. They have perfect relations.


If Wicked Star (Lian Chen) is in this palace, the one (no matter male or female) will have the misery of separation with his/her spouse. And the one will be easy to be maltreated by the other side. It shows that the star brings the one misery.  


If Treasury Star (Tian Fu) is in this palace, the one can marry with clever spouse. Meanwhile, they live peacefully and happily.


If Moon (Tai Ying) is in this palace, the male will marry with a pretty woman. The female will marry a male with excessive mysophobia. The good or bad depends on the score of the star.


If Flirting Star (Tan Lang) is in this palace, the one (no matter male or female) will have the misery of separation with his/her spouse. If the one can marry lately, then he/she can get rid of such fate.


If Gloomy Star (Ju Men) is in this palace, the one (no matter male or female) must work hard for the spouse. Besides, if the score of the star is in minus sign, it is possible spoil the spouse.


If Minister Star (Tian Xiang) is in this palace, usually the one will marry with the child of relatives or parents’ friend. And the good or bad must depend on the score of the star in this palace. Yet, even the score is in minus sign, the one does not worry about it, still.


If Blessing Star (Tian Liang) is in this palace, the domination of the family will be handled by the spouse. That is, the husband will be controlled by the wife. Or the wife must obey the rules that husband says.


If Power Star (Chi Sha) is in this palace, it is possible spoil the spouse. If the one can marry lately, the discord of couples can be prevented.


If Ruinous Star (Po Jun) is in this palace, the one (no matter male or female) will lose the spouse. Some of them will divorce. If they can marry lately, they can prevent such misery. Yet they cannot get assist from the spouse.

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