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Fate of affinity for woman

The fate of affinity for the woman of Emperor Star (Zi Wei)

Such woman hates the man of Flirting Star (Tan Lang). If the woman is acquainted with such man, she must be cheated, played and abandoned finally by the man.

The second one that such woman hates is the man of Ruinous Star (Po Jun). Most of them will be treated in violence and cannot stand.  

If such woman can join a man with Minister Star (Tian Siang), though she can experience happiness, yet she cannot develop her ability. The woman does not have good fate of affinity to the man of Gloomy Star (Ju Men) and Wicked Star (Lian Chen). As to others, the fate is not bad.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Mercy Star (Tian Ji)

Such woman does not have too good or too bad fate of affinity. They just have strong fate of affinity to fall in love with the man of Moon Star (Tai Yin) and Blessing Star (Tian Liang). It is not suitable for the woman marrying with the man of Wicked Star (Lian Chen), Flirting Star (Tan Lang), Power Star (Qi Sha) and Ruinous Star (Po Jun). As to others, the fate is not bad.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Sun (Tai Yang)

Such woman does not have the charm to attract man. Therefore in the fate of affinity, the good or bad is not obvious.

To do the comparison of the stars, such woman has bad fate of affinity if she marries with the man of Wicked Star (Lian Chen), Moon Star (Tai Yin), Flirting Star (Tan Lang), Power Star (Qi Sha) and Ruinous Star (Po Jun). Especially, if she marries with the man of Gloomy Star (Ju Men), the fate is worse.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Finance Star (Wu Qu)

The best star for joining with such woman is Treasury Star (Tian Fu). Any hard works can be done by them. Also, the fate with Flirting Star (Tan Lang) is good, because they find each other congenial. As to the man of Minister Star (Tian Xiang), it is still good. As to the man of Ruinous Star (Po Jun), the fate is worse. Basically, such woman has strong desire of sex. So, if the woman marries with the man of Flirting Star (Tan Lang), it is very suitable. If such woman joins with the weak man of Moon Star (Tai Yin), though they have good fate of affinity in spirit, yet in the way of sex life, a complaint can be expected.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Lucky Star (Tian Tong)

Such woman has tender temper and has simple-minded. So, if she marries with a man that is hard to please will have troubles.

If she can avoid to marry with the man of Wicked Star (Lian Chen), Flirting Star (Tan Lang), Power Star (Qi Sha) and Ruinous Star (Po Jun), then the fate is not bad.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Wicked Star (Lian Chen)

Such woman has ingenuous character, so it would be better for her to marry with the man of Treasury Star (Tian Fu).

As to the man of Minister Star (Tian Xiang), it is not suitable for such woman. And the man of Power Star (Qi Sha), it is not bad. And if she marries with the man of Ruinous Star (Po Jun), then they will not have quite day.         


The fate of affinity for the woman of Treasury Star (Tian Fu)

Such woman has the character of virtuous and intelligent. So the woman has good fate of affinity to man. Especially, such woman is suitable for the man of Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Finance Star (Wu Qu)and Wicked Star (Lian Chen). Only the man of Gloomy Star (Ju Men), Power Star (Qi Sha) and Ruinous Star (Po Jun) is not good.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Moon (Tai Yin)

Such woman has the temper of feminine. It is easy for her to fall in love with the man of Mercy Star (Tian Ji). It is because the character of Moon-sweet dream and the spirit of the man can be attracted for each other. And such woman is easy to fall in love with Sun (Tai Yang). Such marriage can be regarded as the representative of good fate.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Flirting Star (Tan Lang)

Such woman has the worse relation with the man of Emperor Star (Zi Wei) and the Wicked Star (Lian Chen). She cannot understand the mood of Emperor Star (Zi Wei). If she can marry with the man of Finance Star (Wu Qu), the fate is common. If she can avoid to marry with the man of Gloomy Star (Ju Men), Power Star (Qi Sha) and the Ruinous Star (Po Jun), then she is smart girl.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Gloomy Star (Ju Men)

Such woman has the character of hard to please, so the range for the fate of affinity is limited. It is very strange, such woman always attract the man of Mercy Star (Tian Ji), Sun (Tai Yang), Lucky Star (Tian Tong). Yet the result is not sure to be good.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Minister Star (Tian Xiang)

As to the woman of Minister Star, the most proper one that she can marry is the man of Emperor Star (Zi Wei) and Finance Star (Wu Qu). Such woman cannot marry the man of Wicked Star (Lian Chen) for the man is too rude.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Blessing Star (Tian Liang)

Such woman has the character to surpass man. Therefore, the fate of affinity is not good. The best star of the man for such woman is Mercy Star (Tian Ji). As to others, that’s not good.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Power Star (Qi Sha)

Such woman has bad temper and is not healthy. In general, the fate of affinity with the man of Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Finance Star (Wu Qu) and Wicked Star (Lian Chen) will be better than others.


The fate of affinity for the woman of Ruinous Star (Po Jun)

Such woman cannot marry with the man of Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Finance Star (Wu Qu) and Wicked Star (Lian Chen). In general, the woman of Ruinous Star (Po Jun) likes to be opportunistic or uses impulse action, so the range of fate of affinity shrinks.

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