◆  When will I get married?        ◆  How is my husband's profile?        ◆  Should I quit my job?        ◆  What achievements will I have in my career?        
Yin-Yang & Five elements
Name Dou Fen Five Elements Yin Yang Master Good/Bad/Delight/Taboo
Zi Wei South North Earth Yin Respect Means authority, wealth, solving problems, extending life and so on.
Tian Ji South Three Wood Yin Good Means brothers
Tai Yang South  North Fire Yang Nobility Means authority, wealth, father and husband
Wu Qu North Six Mental Yin Wealth Means wealth
Tian Tong South Four Water Yang Good Fortune Means virtue, solving problem
Liang Chen North Five Wood/Fire Yin Imprisonment Means Tao Hua (love) in life palace; means authority and wealth in career palace
Tian Fu South One Earth Yang Able and virtuous Means wealth and residence
Tai Yin South  North Water Yin Wealthy Means wealth and residence, father, wife and daughter
Tan Lang North One Wood Yang Illicit love Means bad things and good things
Ju Men North Two Water Yin Dark Means right and wrong
Tian Xiang South Five Water Yang Seal Means authority, wealth; can restrict the evil of Lian Chen star
Tian Liang South Two Earth Yang Protection Means solving problems
Chi Sha South Six Fire/Mental Yin General Means slaughter; changing into authority when it meets Zi Wei
Po Jun North Seven Water Yin Waste Means bad and good lucks, husband and wife, children and servants
Wen Chang South  North Mental Yang Academic Learned person in writing
Wen Qu North Four Water Yin Academic Learned person in eloquence
Mars South  Chu Fire Yang slaughter Solid temper
Ling Xing South  Chu Fire Yin slaughter Violent temper
Tian Kong   Fire Yin Death Many diasters
Di Jie   Fire Yang Plunder and slaughter Means loss
Tai Fu   Earth Yang   Means 台閣
Feng Gao   Earth Yin   Means honor and value
Zuo Fu South  North Earth Yang Auxiliary The left star of Zi Wei,
You Bi South  North Water Yin Auxiliary The left star of Zi Wei,
Tian Xing   Fire Yang Solitary Means punishment
Tian Yao   Water Yin Romantic refinement; wanton
Tian Ma   Fire Yang Move Means movement
Tian Wu       Promotion Means to be promoted
Xie Shen       Change the portentous Solve problem
Tian Yue       Sickness Ill
Yin Sha       Villain Villain appear
Bo Shi   Water   Cleverness Means cleverness, long life and authority
Li Shi   Fire   Power and influence Means power and authority
Qing Long   Water   Cheery A chance to get fortune
Xiao Hao   Fire   Wastage Means money cannot be gathered
Jiang Jun   Wood   Might Means cruel temper 
Zou Shu   Mental   Good fortune Means happiness and wealth
Fei Lian   Fire   Solitary Solitary
Xi Shen   Fire   Continuity Means extending good things and celebration
Bing Fu   Fire   Disaster Disaster
Da Hao   Fire   Waste and failure Means money loss
Fu Bing   Fire   Dispute Means quarrel
Guan Fu   Fire   litigation Means  quarrel and punishment
Jiang Xing       change the portentous Means power and honor while it is in life palace
Pan An       Scholarly honor Means illustrious fight while it is in life palace
Sui Yi       Transportation and movement Means illustrious fight while it is in life palace
Xi Shen       Depression Means the one has no vitality if there is no good things to solve the problem while it is in life palace
Hua Gai   Wood   Isolation When it access into life palace, the one is suitable to be a monk.
Jie Sha   Fire   Steal Good things to reconcile bad things
Zai Sha       Disaster Good things to reconcile bad things
Tian Sha       Father and husband No good. Avoid to access into life palace, parents palace and marriage palace
Zhi Bei       Slander No good. Avoid to access into life palace.
Xian Chi       Romance When it accesses into life or wealth palace, it means the one is libidinous.
Yue Sha       Mother and wife It is bad. Avoid to access into parents palace and marriage palace.
Wang Shen       Waste and Failure  
San Tai   Earth Yang   Means honored and valued.
Ba Zuo   Earth Yin   Means honored and valued.
En Guang   Fire Yang   Means to accept special privilege
Tian Qui   Earth Yang   Means to acquire valued government official 
Lu Cun North Three Earth Yin Peerage and salary  Means honor and get rid of distress
Qing Yang North Chu Fire/Mental Yang Punishment Means punishment and hurt
Tuo Luo North Chu Mental Yin Taboo Means quarrels
Tian Kui South  Chu Fire Yang honored position (day) Means a star of talent and gets the honored value in daytime.
Tian Yue South  Chu Fire Yin honored position (night) Means a star of talent and gets the honored value at night.
Hua Lu   Earth Yin wealth Means to handle the fortune and save the money
Hua Quan   Wood Yang power and influence Means to handle the right of wielding absolute power. Compatible with Ju Men and We Qu.
Hua Ke   Water Yang Fame The star controlling the examination. 
Hua Ji   Water Yang More faults A star of jealousy
Tian Guan   Earth Yang   Means great honor. 
Tian Fu   Earth Yang   Means to enjoy peerage, fortune and happiness
Tian Ku   Mental Yang Punishment Sorrow
Tian Xu   Earth Yang Death Sorrow
Long Chi   Water Yang   Academic
Feng Ge   Earth Yang   Academic
Hong Luan   Water Yin   Means marriage
Tian Xi   Water Yang   Means marriage
Gu Chen   Fire Yang solitary Means solitary. Do not let it access into the parents palace.
Qua Su   Fire Yin widow Means solitary. Do not let it access into the marriage palace.
Fei Lian   Fire   solitary Means solitary and harm . Do not let it access into the parents palace.
Po Sui   Fire Yin   Means loss
Tian Cai   Wood Yin   Talent
Tian Shou   Earth Yang   Long life
Jie Kong       Nothing It is not good to access into life palace. It is bad to access into health palace.
Xun Kong       Nothing It is not good to access into life palace. It is bad to access into health palace.
Tian Shi   Water Yin Diaster Diaster
Tian Shang   Water Yang Waste Means consumption
Chang       Hair growth It is ok for all the bad stars except Kong Wang star
Mu Yu       Romance It is good to access into marriage palace. It is bad to access into life palace and wealth palace
Guan Dai       festivities Means good things and celebration
Lin Guan       festivities Means good things and celebration
Di Wang       Vigorous and strong Means strength and prosperity 
Shuai       Failure It is not good to get great luck while in youth
Bing       Disaster It is not good to get great luck while in youth. And it is bad to access into health palace.
Si       Death It is not good to get great luck while in youth and middle age.
Mu       Hiden It is good to access into wealth palace. And it is bad to access into life palace.
Jui       Annihilation It is good to access into health palace. It is bad to access into life palace and children palace.
Tai       Joyous event It is good to access into marriage and children palace. It is bad to access into health palace.
Yang       Good fortune All the palaces can bring you happiness.
Sui Jian   Fire   Fault Means the bad and good things in the whole year.
Hui Chi       Fault Good things to reconcile bad things
Sang Men   Wood   Lost and death Means mourning dress,  nervous fear.
Guan Suo       Disaster for prison Good things to reconcile bad things
Quan Fu   Fire   litigation Means punishment. It is good to use luck things to solve the problem.
Xiao Hao   Fire   Small Failure Good things to reconcile bad things
Da Hao   Fire   Big Failure Avoid to access into life palace, wealth palace and property palace.
Long De       Change the portentous It’s good to access into life palace. 
Bai Hu   Mental   Portentous Means punishment. Good things can solve the problems.
Tian De       Change the portentous It’s good to access into life palace.
Diao Ke   Fire   Mourning dress Means mourning dress, nervous fear 
Bing Fu       Disaster Good things to reconcile bad things
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