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Ancient Chinese zodiac

The Cang Long seven constellations of the East


Jiao Su

There are two stars in this group and they belong to Virgo(α,ζ). Spica (αVir) is this constellation. The color is white.


Kang Su

There are four stars in this group. They belong to Virgo.


Di Su

There are four stars in this group. They are α, η, γ, βZubenescham in Scorpion. Di Su one (Zubenelgenubi, αLib) is Libra.


Fang Su

There are four stars in this group. They are π, ρ, δ, β (Graffias, βSco) in Scorpion. Fang Su three is named Dschubba.


Xin Su

There are three stars in this group. They are σατ in Scorpion.


Wei Su:

There are nine stars in this group. They belong to Scorpion.


Ji Su:

There are four stars in this group. They belong to Sagittarius,


The Xuan Wu seven constellations of the North


Dou Su

There are six stars in this group. They belong to Sagittarius, also called the Wain.


Niu Su

There are six stars in this group. They belong to Capricornus.


Nu Su

There are four stars in this group. Three of the stars belong to Aquarius.


Xu Su

There are two stars in this group. Xu Su one is Aquarius β. It is a beautiful binary star.


Wei Su

There are three stars in this group. The first star is Aquarius α. It locates almost in the equator of the sky. The second and third stars are Pegasus θ and ε.


Shi Su

There are two stars in this group, α and β in Pegasus.


Bi Su

There are two stars in this group. One is Pegasus γ; the other is Andromeda.


The Bai Hu seven constellations of the West:


Kui Su

There are sixteen stars in this group. Nine stars belong to Andromeda and seven stars belong to Pisces.


Lu Su

There are three stars in this group that are β, γ and α in Aries.


Wei Su

There are three stars in this group. They belong to Aries.


Mao Su

There are seven stars in this group. Six stars belong to Taurus. Seven sisters star cluster are here. Mao Su six has the strongest luminosity.


Bi Su

There are eight stars in this group. Seven stars belong to Taurus. Bi Su five is Taurus α. The distance between α and the Earth is about seventy light-year.


Ci Su

There are three stars in this group and they belong to Taurus.


Shen Su

There are seven stars in this group. They belong to Orion. Shen Su seven means β, also called Rigel. The color is white. Shen Su four means α, also is called Betelgeuse. The color is red. Shen Su five means γ, also called Bellatrix.


The Ju Que seven constellations of the South


Jing Su

There are eight stars in this group and they belong to Gemini.


Gui Su

There are four stars in this group. They belong to Cancer. All the star lights are dim. Inside the group, a cluster can be seen in the last day of a lunar month.


Liu Su

 There are eight stars in this group. They belong to Hydra.


Xing Su

There are seven stars in this group. Six stars belong to Hydra. Xing Su one means α, also called Alphard. It shines in the sky alone.


Chang Su

There are six stars in this group. They belong to Hydra.


Yi Su

There are eleven stars in this Yi Su. From the first one to the eleventh one, they belong to Crater. The twelve to fourteenth belong to Hydra. There are two stars located in outer side and the other six stars are not understood. The stars that this owns are the most in the twenty-eight asterism.


Chen Su

There are four stars in the group that are γ, ε, δ, and β. δ is a beautiful binary star. Its color is yellow and purple/


Three walls (yuan): Zi Wei, Tai Wei and Tian Shi


Zi Wei Yuan

It is also named Zi Gong wall or Zi Yuan. It is located in the north east of the Dipper. There are fifteen stars in this wall. They are distributed in the east and the west. The center is the North Pole. The stars are distributed as a screen around the center. In the East, there are eight stars; in the west, there are seven stars.


Tai Wei Yuan

It is located in the south of the Dipper and in the north of Chen Yi. There are ten stars in this wall. The center is Denebola. The stars are distributed as a screen around the center. In the East, there are four stars; in the West, there are four stars; in the south, there are two stars.


Tian Shi Yuan

 It is located in the North East of Fang Xing. There are twenty-two stars in this wall and the center is α star. The stars are distributed as a screen around the center. In the East, there are eleven stars; in the West, there are eleven stars, too.

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