Solar Calendar |
2025-01-12 |
Lunar Calendar |
2024-12-13 |
Cycle of 60 Months |
丁丑 Month |
Cycle of 60 Days |
辛巳 Day |
Week |
Sunday |
Cycle of 12 Days |
定日 |
5 Kinds of Days |
伐日 |
28 Constellations |
房星 |
Cycle of 9 Stars |
九紫 |
Weak Animal |
Pig |
Bad Direction |
East |
Good Things To Do |
Dating.Negotiation.New job on board.Make offerings .Give thanks and pray to gods .Pray to gods for descendants.Give banquet.Adult ceremony.Engagement.Present/accept betrothal gifts.Employee hiring or children adoption .Move house.Moving into new house.Tailor clothes .Renovation of building or ground breaking .Position crossbeam.Build the warehouse .Sign contract and trading.Adapt wealth .Purchase pets |
Bad Things To Do |
Travelling.Study abroad.Traveling .Marriage ceremony.Remove bad luck .Consult doctor .Sauce making.House renovation .Plant .Ground breaking for burial purpose |
Notes |
【Lucky hour】11-13.07-09.19-21.01-03【Lucky direction】southwest.west.northwest【Lucky charm】White.Rooster.lapislazuli |
《Questions & Answers》 |
【问】请问飞黄腾达心灵开运网的农民历内容为什么在某些日期上的吉凶和我手上的农民历不同呢? |
【答】坊间的农民历版本非常多,我们随便收集个十几本,就会发现往往吉凶都不尽相同。因为坊间的农民历往往是撷取每年各大择日馆所编列的红皮通书。红皮通书至少就有十几个版本,而坊间的农民历作者大多都是东抄西抄,有时排版也可能会贴错,因此,坊间的农民历不可尽信。 |
【问】请问飞黄腾达心灵开运网的农民历内容准确吗? |
【答】我们的农民历内容十分准确,因为是从源头来制作的。我们已知坊间的农民历往往撷取各自大择日馆的红皮通书。而红皮通书又是怎么制作出来的呢?我们打开红皮通书,随便挑一天,上面往往会写到:协纪…,通宜…,也就是说红皮通书是参考《钦定协纪辨方书》、《鳌头通书》、《象吉通书》等书籍而编列的,而我们的农民历也就是采用上述书籍为基础所编列的,因此,正确性绝对比坊间的农民历准确许多。 |
【问】请问飞黄腾达心灵开运网的农民历是怎么制作出来的呢? |
【答】我们的农民历制作方式:日期的部分采用乾隆皇帝御制《钦定协纪辨方书.四库全书殿板》为底本(由翰林院纪晓岚、戴震、姚鼐等四百余位大学士编订而成),再参照《鳌头通书》、《象吉通书》,来判别每日的吉凶,最后参考中央气象局的节气、日食、月食、行星逆行等天象资料;时间的部份则采用《古今图书集成.博物汇编艺术典.星命部汇考.三命通会》为底本,参照董公择日来判断每日的吉时;最后再加上三元派的卦气择日法做最后的修正所编列出来的。 |
【问】请问结婚、入宅、安香火、剖腹生产,是否看飞黄腾达心灵开运网的农民历就足够了呢? |
【答】结婚、入宅、安香火、剖腹生产,这四件事情,只看开心农民历是不足的。因为结婚择日还要考虑双方的生辰八字,入宅、安香火择日还要考虑年份及坐向,剖腹生产则牵涉到子女的一生幸福,而非仅考虑手术顺利与否,因此,以上四件事情,还需要进一步择日或直接请林淳宽老师亲算,不能只看农民历。 |
【问】请问飞黄腾达心灵开运网的农民历中,如约会等现代择日术语,在古代都没有,请问是怎么产生出来的呢? |
【答】我们的农民历,有些择日术语是古代没有的,因为古今生活差异颇大,农民历一定要符合现代人的需求才行,因此,我们提供了许多现代的择日内容。以约会为例,我们是采用了适合感情发展,也适合聚会的日子。 |
《Terminology Explanation》 |
《Explanation for Date Selection》 |
Engage, make vow and oath |
Engagement |
Adapt good things |
Present/accept betrothal gifts |
Matrimony |
Marriage ceremony |
Marriage |
Marriage ceremony for a man and woman |
Business opening |
Store opening for business, beginning operation after new year, grand opening ceremony |
Trading and opening bill |
Sign contract, trading and business dealing |
Adapt wealth |
Purchasing house, real estate, merchandise, rent and A/R collection, mortgage, harvest crops and grains. |
Tailor clothes |
Tailoring new bridal clothing |
Manicure |
First manicure for newborn baby |
Traveling |
Traveling, sightseeing, tourism, and surveying overseas |
Visiting relatives and friends |
Give banquet or visit friends and relatives |
Delete or remove bad luck |
Clean, wash house or household items to eliminate and delete bad luck and misfortune |
Moving |
Moving house |
New house opening |
Moving into new house, new house completion |
Stabilize the bed |
Position new bed for marriage, remove old bed and stabilize new bed |
Construction and renovation |
Renovation and construction of building |
Ground breaking |
First shovel of earth or breaking ground for construction |
Appreciate land |
Ceremony after completion of building |
Demolish and tear down house |
Tear down house or fence |
Ground breaking |
Ground breaking for burial purpose |
House renovation |
Fix or build factory |
Hang business sign |
Hang business sign |
Build the warehouse |
Fix or construct warehouse |
Public works |
Fix and pave road |
Washroom opening |
Build washroom |
Position main post of house |
Position crossbeam |
Hang flag and sign |
Position flag post and hang sign |
Make offerings |
Pray to ancestors, gods or temple |
Give thanks and pray to gods |
Pray for blessings from gods, or redeem vow and give thanks |
Vegetarian temple fair |
Set up temple fair and place where rites are held to pray for peace |
Light opening |
Enshrine and worship after completion of altar |
Move spirit or memorial tablet |
Move altar and god to another place |
Mold and to paint |
Paint temple or carving altar and god |
Seeking issue and descendant |
Pray to gods for descendants |
Bathing and showering |
Shower, fast, clean the body |
Incubate |
Wine brewing and sauce making |
Consult doctor |
See doctor, to heal disease, have operation |
Animal husbandry |
Purchase animals, pets |
Put on the hairpin |
Adult ceremony for men and women |
Shave the head |
Shaving head for newborn baby, cut long hair into short style |
Plant |
Plan planets |
Employee hiring or adoption |
Adopt children or accept foster child |
Will and grave opening |
Open will, dig grave |