SUPERFATE - Fortune Teller
Do I have the fate or luck to be a boss?
Many people become a boss because of a dream,
for the sense of fulfillment, for wealth,
or maybe a wish not to work for others anymore.
How is my destiny of business/career this year?
Written In Chinese
99 points
How is my destiny of wealth this year?
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is the function of sales suitable for me? In which area? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is the function of finance suitable for me? In which area? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is the function of accounting suitable for me? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is the function of marketing suitable for me? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I am a sales person. Is there any methods to enhance my performance? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I am in the service industry. Is there any methods to enhance my performance? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I am a sales person. Is there any methods to build good customer relationship? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I am in the finance industry. Is there any methods to enhance my performance? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I am in the accounting industry. Is there any methods to prevent making mistakes? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
I lose my attention recently. Is there any methods to become better? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
How to get along with my boss?
177 360 words
99 points
(Female) Is my life going to be all hard work?
142 401 words
99 points
(Male) Is my life going to be all hard work?
142 401 words
99 points
What industries are the most suitable for me?
109 287 words
99 points
Is conservative or active position suitable for my career?
209 221 words
49 points
What are my capabilities in career?
around 220 words
99 points
Am I active or passive?
around 125 words
49 points
Am I optimistic or pessimistic?
around 98 words
49 points
(Female) Is my company worth working for?
106 248 words
99 points
(Male) Is my company worth working for?
106 248 words
99 points
(Female) Should I quit my job?
around 82 words
99 points
(Male) Should I quit my job?
around 82 words
99 points
How is the opportunity to successfully establishing my business?
119 312 words
99 points
What blind spots will I have during the process of establishing a business?
126 152 words
99 points
Where to find my mentors in career?
154 173 words
99 points
(Female) Is my boss worth following?
151 309 words
99 points
(Male) Is my boss worth following?
151 309 words
99 points
(Female) What can I do when there are mean and nasty individuals surrounding?
163 529 words
0 points
(Male) What can I do when there are mean and nasty individuals surrounding?
163 529 words
0 points
How to prevent mean and nasty individuals in career?
95 346 words
99 points
Is the function of marketing suitable for this employee? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is this employee a good colleague with me? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
Is there any methods to have this employee be a good colleague with me? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
When will this employee leave or quit this job? (Written In Chinese)
Written In Chinese
99 points
0 points
0 points
0 points
Wealth calendar  
99 points
Sales calendar  
99 points
Career calendar  
99 points
Date selection of visiting important customers  
29 points
Date selection of launching or announcing products  
29 points
Business deal and trading date selection  
29 points
Date selection of signing contracts  
29 points
Negotiation date selection  
29 points
Grand opening for business or store  
29 points
Traveling date selection  
0 points
Date selection of traveling oversea  
29 points
Lucky direction and area of earning main wealth
around 181 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of earning side wealth
around 162 words
9 points
Lucky direction and area of visiting important customers around 105 words
around 160 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of signing contracts
around 185 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of meeting and discussion
49 points
Lucky direction and area of negotiation
around 184 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of eluding people
around 181 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of removing bad luck
around 186 words
49 points
Lucky direction and area of meditation
around 168 words
49 points


NT$ 4800
NT$ 4000
NT$ 8000
NT$ 300

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‧ The bad guys for the 10 Signs
‧ The key person for the 10 Signs
‧ How busy are the 10 Signs
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