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Planet mythology - Jupiter

The Planet Jupiter is the biggest planet and it has something to do with the master god, Jupiter, of Rome. Though coming from the Greek, it seemed that Jupiter did not have the prominent position as being in Greek. Although he still can control the forces of nature, yet his reputation did not equal to Apollo.


Zeus was the ruler of Greek gods, the dominator of the whole universe. Zeus was an omniscient and omnipotent god. In the meanwhile, he was the representative of great energy of astronomical phenomena such as rain, thunder, and storm.


Zeus emphasized the physical strength and courage of human beings considerably. So, Greek often held the activities of athletics. And the winners would put on the crown of olive tree that symbolized Zeus and represented glory.


Zeus also was the representative of justice and equity. In the famous war of Troy, he was the referee of all gods. He was the tutelary god of nations and cities and was the incarnation of emperor.


The only defeat that denounced by people was that Zeus loved too many women. He had many love affairs here, there and everywhere which made his wife Hera being unhappy.  As a result, most of the women that loved him did not have good ends. And his bastards always had to go through hardship and then returned to the heaven, such as Dionysus and Hercules. But, due to his sons are many, he was thought as the symbol of abundant production.

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