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Star Myths - the combination of astrology and mythology

The astrology cannot take apart from mythology in the beginning of the development. Human beings studied the periodicity of the sun and believed that the sun was the greatest god, even was the Creator. Therefore, the religion and ceremony of worshiping Sun such as Mithraism appeared. Later, people personified the gods little by little. That’s why in Greek, Apollo representing the Sun appeared. Such belief can be traced back to the ancient Egypt. Mapping the planets with fairy characters or stories also occurred in ancient China. In Ming Dynasty, Zi Wei Dou Shu competed to mathematics school. They used the virtual stars in the Zi Wei Dou Shu astrolabe for mapping with the characters in Feng-Shen-Pan. Such ways results the learning of the astrology more vivid than before. And it makes people to handle the characteristics of the planets easily.


The people who combined the astrology and mythology in a magnificent mansion were Greek. They divided the stars in the sky into eighty-eight constellations. Each constellation has its own mythology.  They also personalized and narrated the planets in the solar system and created many lively and gorgeous myths. Though the three great planets in modern age, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not found by Greek, yet the astrologists connected them with the Gods of Uranus, Poseidon and Hades by following the tradition and continued using till today. It seems that such mapping is really suitable.


In fact, mapping the constellations and the mythology was not created by Greek. But Greek completed the system and then the Rome modified the system to suit their requirements. Therefore, what we know about the mythological system was spread by Greek and Rome. These two systems have close and strong correlation. We can say that Rome just modified the original works to add something for benefiting its dynasty. For example, the Rome changed the name of the Ares into Mars and made Ares who always lost battle becoming the victorious god, Mars. And with such modification, they transformed the images of invincible wisdom goddess Athena and solar god, Apollo. An empire with new era matches with new tutelary god. The ruled people would think everything was different and they would obey the ruler. Such technique is also common in China. The ruler always reached the purpose of managing people by worshipping new gods.

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