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The simple and easy human relation spreads

http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw/Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


The simple and easy human relation spreads


This spreads suits for any form of human relations. It can be regarded as the simple version of Angelas. It does not have the effect of prediction, but it can help you to explore the relations between you and the other.


What contribution do I bring for such relation?
What contribution does he bring for such relations?
What is the situation of combining the contributions of both sides?


Brainstorming (take a look at these three decks)


1. Cups Page: glad to give the emotions and care
2. The hanged man: destructive, no reaction; passiveness, might not be freeman
3. Pentacles 7: having small success but needing to consider the future conduct



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