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Celtic Cross Spreads

http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw/Copied from http:www.sunnytarot.idv.tw

Author: teacher, Sunny


Celtic Cross


This is one of the classical spreads. It can solve any problem almost. It can offer overall introduction for the questions and suits for complicated problems.

This spreads circulates for a long time and creates many versions of explanation. The meaning of the following uses Waite edition.

Center of the problem: shows the essential and core of the problem
Resistance or assistance: If it is a good deck, it means assistance, on the contrary it means resistance
The ideal target of the person concerned (b)The most ideal result that can be acquired in current situation
Basis: Existed basis
Past: The influence which is about to pass away
Future: The events which is going to occur
Attitude: The attitude that the person concerned has in this event
Environment: The external factor which influences the problem
Hope or fear: The hope and fear that the person concerned has in this event.
Result: An outcome acquired with the influences of the previous nine decks

The indication deck is placed under the first deck. For the usage of the indication deck, please refer to the indication deck section.

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