◆  When will I get married?        ◆  How to have my lover in hand?        ◆  天体运行与投资:水星        ◆  How to prevent losing money?        ◆  Where to find my lover?        
Lucky Star (Tian Tong)

When Wen-Wang did not finish his wish and died with hatred, Venus bestowed him as the deity of softness and placed him on the Lucky Star (Tian Tong). So, this star also handles “softness and gentleness”.


Though Chou-Wang, exterminated by Wu-Wang, was a tyrant, the Yin Dynasty might not become extinct if there were many loyal courtiers around him. That is to say, there are many treacherous court officials in the dynasty. First of all, the number one treacherous court official was Fei-Chong. Fei-Chong was a character who concentrated to fawn on the king and scrambled for power and profit in the imperial court. In addition, he caused infinite harm to many people.

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