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Moon (Tai Yin)

In every New Year’s Day of Yin-Dynasty, all the officials would bring along their families to pay Chou-Wang a courtesy call. One year, the general Hwang Fei-Hu followed the custom and paid a courtesy call to Chou-Wang with his wife. After finished, Da-Ji said she wanted to gossip with Hwang’s wife and left madam in the palace. She asked Hwang went home alone first. Then she cheated the madam to Chai-Sing Floor and let Chou-Wang meet her singly. The libidinous Chou-Wang wanted to encroach on her for a long time. After drinking wine, Chou-Wang approached her nearly. Hwang’s wife was not only a pretty woman, but also a woman with chastity. She found no way to escape so she jumped from the Chai-Sing Floor. Her soul got to the heaven and she was agitated and not knowing what to do. Venus found her and praised her virtue. He bestowed her with the deity of clean immediately.


Yet, this madam was not only a good woman, meanwhile she liked clearness very much. She was unwilling to dwell in any star. Venus exhausted all mental efforts and finally he put her on the Moon palace.


She became the deity of moon and handled clearness. And the house in the moon palace was suitable to dwell, so she also controlled the residence.

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