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Children Palace

It is used to observe the sexual life, reproduction and the relation to the children of the questioner.


If the Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Mercy Star (Tian Ji), Sun (Tai Yang), Finance Star (Wu Qu), Lucky Star (Tian Tong), and Wicked Star (Lian Chen) are inside this palace, the first child usually will be a body.


If the Treasure Star (Tian Fu), Moon (Tai Yin), Gloomy Star (Ju Men), Flirting Star (Tan Lang), Minister Star (Tian Xiang) and Blessing Star (Tian Liang), Power Star (Chi-Sha) and Ruinous Star (Po Jun) are inside this palace, the first child usually will be a girl.


It the star of boy and the star of girl appear at the same time, the first child usually will be a body.


For the Emperor Star (Zi Wei), Mercy Star (Tian Ji), Sun (Tai Yang), Lucky Star (Tian Tong), Treasure Star (Tian Fu), Moon (Tai Yin), Minister Star (Tian Xiang) and Blessing Star (Tian Liang), inside this palace, the children have their good luck. As to others, that’s not good.


The features for each star in this palace are listed below:

Emperor Star (Zi Wei)─a child with elevated personality

Mercy Star (Tian Ji)─a child diligent in learning

Sun (Tai Yang)─a child with strong development

Finance Star (Wu Qu)─a child with naughtiness

Lucky Star (Tian Tong)─a child with good-natured

Wicked Star (Lian Chen)─a child with troubles

Treasure Star (Tian Fu)─a child with talent

Moon (Tai Yin)─a child with development in spirit

Flirting Star (Tan Lang)─an unlovely child

Gloomy Star (Ju Men)─a child that hard to please

Minister Star (Tian Xiang)─a child focusing on face

Blessing Star (Tian Liang)─a child of unwilling to rely others

Power Star (Chi-Sha)─a capricious child

Ruinous Star (Po Jun)─a child of spending money ostentatiously


Not all the children will be the same as the above. That is, when the star appearing in this palace, then the child with such feature will do great effect to his/her parents than others.

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